Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Perfect Crime

What is the perfect crime? Let me tell you. You need to start out in India. You then need to tatoo your face to match their skin tones and stick a priceless jewel in your forhead. Once your disguised you are free to execute the rest of your plan. What is our plan? So our ultimate goal here is to sneak into Yohan Vandumeir's mansion and steal as much as we can, including his pet tiger, and doing as much damage as possoble - without getting caught. That's always the hard part. For a job like this who is the best team to have? The mental hospital patients. They'll do whatever you want! Or at least cause a distraction. So you have to break them all out of that prison and transport all of them to India. What do I use to do that? A limosuine of course!! We get on a ship and we sail to India. We get an actual sail boat with a plank to enforce some order around here. About half of them have to walk the plank so by the time you get to India you have about 50 peole left. We borrow 25 elephants and we march them strait to his house. That's what everyone rides in India right? We already have people working on the inside so we get in just like that. We had to cut off one of the elephants legs to feed to the tiger to get him to like us. We win its heart and tell him to be our look out. We walts on in, take what we want but when we are gong out we run into Yohan. what do we do then? We stick his tiger on him of course! But the tiger doesnt like that idea does it? No. Luckily just then the elephants come stampeding right through the wall!! We manage to attatch ourselves to their bellies, with the goods, and whistle for the tiger to follow. The elephants take us right back to our sail boat. We get out to sea but we are being followed by Yohan!! Luckily we already thought of this so we had a secret tunnel for a submarine to connect to. We call for it, we slide on in down a slide (gotta arive with some style) and the submarine zooms off into the distance. When Yohan reaches the sail boat we have all left our "priceless jewels" from our foreheads on the ship which were in fact a time bomb. We didn't want to kill the guy so we had a trap set which captured him in a human sized bottle then the ship exploded!!! He washed up on shore just like a message in a bottle. We are rich, he cant track us. And we all lived happily ever after. :)

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